Immature eagles visiting Colvill Park
Sub-adult eagle flying over Colvill Park in Red Wing

Immature eagles visiting Colvill Park

At least five sub-adult and juvenile eagles were seen this morning at Colvill Park in Red Wing. Two sub-adults chased around the bay before settling down in trees. One of…

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Eagles active at Colvill Park this morning
Sub-adult Bald Eagle carries off a fish from Colvill Park in Red Wing

Eagles active at Colvill Park this morning

Happy Solstice! A number of eagles were chasing, flying, and catching fish today at Colvill Park in Red Wing. A sub-adult got away cleanly with a fresh fish. When the…

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Eagles working on nests
Adult eagle flies over Colvill Park in Red Wing

Eagles working on nests

We have seen multiple eagles working on nests in the last couple days. They often break small branches off trees to add to their nest. For softer material, they gather…

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