Migrating pelicans and Osprey
American White Pelicans fly past He Mni Can/Barn Bluff

Migrating pelicans and Osprey

From He Mni Can/Barn Bluff we have seen migrating American White Pelicans and an Osprey recently. Vultures, eagles, and crows were active in southerly winds coming up the bluff. Crows…

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Foggy morning
Bald eagle eating large fish across river from Bay Point Park

Foggy morning

It was a foggy morning, with a towboat waiting for the fog to clear at Colvill Park before going under the bridge and around the big turn in the river…

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Empty Nesters at Bay Point Park
Bald Eagle pair across from Bay Point Park

Empty Nesters at Bay Point Park

We saw three Bald Eagle pairs sitting around Bay Point Park. Now that any juvenile eagles they raised have fledged, they are empty nesters again! Also, a family of Great…

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Foggy morning on the river
Bald Eagle takes off from perch over the river downstream from Colvill Park in Red Wing

Foggy morning on the river

We set out in our Zodiac this morning from Colvill Park in dense fog and crept downstream. Shadowy figures in the mist emerged as fishing boats and eventually the American…

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Lots of eagles downstream from Colvill Park
A newly-fledged Bald Eagle looks over her shoulder at us in our boat

Lots of eagles downstream from Colvill Park

We took our Zodiac inflatable boat out on the river from Colvill Park and eventually reached the head of Lake Pepin. Along the way, we saw over a dozen eagles,…

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Eagles fighting over fish
Pair of Bald Eagles chattering at other eagles in the air over Bay Point Park

Eagles fighting over fish

Across from Bay Point Park today we saw up to eight Bald Eagles of varying ages fighting over fish they found on each side of the river. Turkey Vultures waited…

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