Great Gray Owl at Sax-Zim Bog in Minnesota
Great Gray Owl at Sax-Zim Bog in Minnesota
Great Gray Owl at Sax-Zim Bog in Minnesota
Male Peregrine Falcon prepares to pass a fresh kill to his mate in mid-air
Sharp-shinned Hawk watching a bird feeder in Red Wing
A Northern Harrier, \"Gray Ghost\", flying near Red Wing
American Kestrel flying from perch near Red Wing
Peregrine Falcon rests from flying in high winds on He Mni Can/Barn Bluff in Red Wing
Peregrine Falcon at the top of ADM building in downtown Red Wing
A female Peregrine Falcon flies past the Red Wing Grain tower
Red-tailed Hawks sparring in midair near Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-tailed Hawks sparring in midair near Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-tailed Hawks sparring in midair near Memorial Park in Red Wing
Rough-legged Hawk at Bay Point Park in Red Wing
Rough-legged Hawk pounced on prey at Bay Point Park in Red Wing
Rough-legged Hawk pounced on prey at Bay Point Park in Red Wing
Dark morph Rough-legged Hawk hovering over a field near Millville, Minnesota
Barred Owl at Welch, Minnesota
Eastern Screech-Owl in Hastings, Minnesota
American Kestrel across river from downtown Red Wing
American Kestrel in southern Arizona
Northern Harrier in a prairie in San Rafael State Natural Area in southern Arizona
Northern Harrier in a prairie in San Rafael State Natural Area in southern Arizona
Northern Harrier flying over a marsh at Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area in Wisconsin
Broad-winged Hawk in Aitkin County, Minnesota
Northern Hawk Owl in Sax-Zim Bog, northern Minnesota
Red-tailed Hawk flying by Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-tailed Hawk flying by Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-tailed Hawk flying by Memorial Park in Red Wing with Xcel power plant in background
Red-tailed Hawk vocalizing loudly as he flies by Memorial Park on Sorin\'s Bluff
Red-tailed Hawk cruising up the bluff at Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-tailed Hawk starting a dive while hovering at Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-tailed Hawk at Bay Point Park in Red Wing
Crow chasing a Red-tailed Hawk near Memorial Park in Red Wing
Red-winged Blackbirds attacking a Red-tailed Hawk who flew too close to their marsh nests near Randolph, Minnesota
Red-tailed Hawk flying over Red Wing