Colvill Park closed by flooding, migrating birds arrive, and flowers blooming
Maple tree is showing its flowers at Bay Point Park

Colvill Park closed by flooding, migrating birds arrive, and flowers blooming

On Friday, Colvill Park was closed due to flooding. Today we saw the river had claimed park of the parking lot. At this time, the river is at 13.31 feet (flood stage is 14 feet), and projected to rise to 17.5 feet by this coming Friday, April 21. Flooding may affect Levee Park and Bay Point Park in the next few days.

Prairie Pasqueflowers are blooming now in great numbers on He Mni Can/Barn Bluff and some trees are blooming, too. More migrating birds have arrived, including Pied-billed Grebes seen at Lock and Dam #3, along with Brown-headed Cowbirds and Northern Flickers.

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