Pelicans and Cormorants arrive in numbers, other migrants arrive
Some of the many pelicans in the bay at Colvill Park in Red Wing

Pelicans and Cormorants arrive in numbers, other migrants arrive

Over 100 American White Pelicans are staying at the Colvill Park bay, along with a large number of Double-crested Cormorants. They are feeding on the plentiful fish in the bay. At Bay Point Park, a small group of Red-breasted Mergansers arrived and demonstrated courtship behavior as they swam around the bay. Across the river bridge, large numbers of other waterfowl continue for now, including Blue-winged Teals, Canvasbacks, Redheads, Hooded Mergansers, and Ring-necked Ducks.

Also today, we saw the resident pair of Peregrine Falcons have their first egg in their nest box at the top of the Red Wing Grain building. A live camera shows the inside of the nest and can be viewed through the Raptor Resource Project website:

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