Multiple eagle nests have baby eagles getting bigger. Some are big enough to stand on the edge of the nest. We saw a few occupied nests from the river yesterday. Migrated birds have settled in and started nesting. We have catbirds and robins nesting near us. Frontenac State Park is a great place to see many kinds of birds and is not far from Red Wing.
Eagle on the shore of the river near Red Wing trying to dry off after rain
Eagle parent flying near nest in Red Wing
Eagle parent watching over her nest with eaglets in Red Wing
Forster's Tern across river from downtown Red Wing
Lark Sparrow on the prairie at Rattlesnake Bluff in Frontenac State Park
Savannah Sparrow at Rattlesnake Bluff in Frontenac State Park
Prothonotary Warbler at Sand Point Trail in Frontenac State Park