Flooding subsiding, parks still closed
"The Jester" sculpture, by Kimber Fiebiger, was ready for the flood

Flooding subsiding, parks still closed

While the river level is coming down, Bay Point Park and Colvill Park are still flooded and closed. Wildlife have taken over both parks, with Greater Yellowlegs, Blue-winged Teals, Canada…

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Very windy today, with more waterfowl
Peregrine Falcon perched in a small birch tree on the edge of the bluff

Very windy today, with more waterfowl

With very high winds and higher gusts, some eagles and falcons took a break from fighting the winds. We saw a pair of Bald Eagles on a branch together at…

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Pelicans arrive and Great Blue Herons nesting
A subadult Bald Eagle flies over bay at Colvill Park in the rain

Pelicans arrive and Great Blue Herons nesting

Five American White Pelicans arrived at Colvill Park and we saw a larger number of pelicans at Lock and Dam #3. Two male Kingfishers were seen across the river bridge…

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Lots of eagle action at Colvill Park
Bald Eagle flying over us at Colvill Park

Lots of eagle action at Colvill Park

With gusty winds reduced somewhat, we saw around 20 eagles of various ages at Colvill Park on Sunday, actively fishing and flying. When a train passed we saw at least…

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