River level almost normal, Peregrine Falcons feeding four babies
Male Peregrine Falcon prepares to transfer a fresh kill to his mate in mid-air

River level almost normal, Peregrine Falcons feeding four babies

The river has dropped a lot in the past week. The Peregrine Falcon pair with a nest box on top of Red Wing Grain has four bouncing, squawking babies. It takes a lot of food to feed these growing chicks (called ‘eyases’). We caught pictures of the male Peregrine (called a ‘tiercel’) transferring a freshly killed bird to his mate while meeting in the air. The female falcon took the kill to her babies and gave them a big meal. The falcons continue to be very protective of their territory. We see them chasing Bald Eagles and Turkey Vultures that venture too close to the nest box. The eagles and vultures vacate the area quickly. You can view the falcon nest box through the Raptor Resource Project website at https://www.raptorresource.org/birdcams/.


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